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Achievements and Work of Our Team in Past Years

Our team has made many innovations in the field of technology since 2015. It has produced different concept products in different fields. He managed R&D processes and encouraged many young people to produce.

Gifted Coder Robotic Coding Institution-Turkey

In 2015, Computer Programming, Coding and Robotics trainings for young people started with the name Gifted Coder, which is a first in Turkey. In our trainings, we tried to train students focused on the software languages and technologies of the future. Many of the products we grow today have earned the right to receive scholarships from the world's leading universities. The teachers we have trained are still continuing. In addition, we are trying to produce and incorporate new start-up projects with the freedoms we have cultivated. From these components, the Eyes-HVAC project was born and is on its way to becoming a revenue generating company.
Finally, in 2017, we opened the Future Programmers Code the Future Association and provided coding education scholarships to successful students in need.

Unmanned Underwater Systems (ROV Vehicles)

Since 2020, we have developed and produced different types of vehicles in the field of unmanned underwater systems. We won first place in Turkey for 3 consecutive years with the vehicles we produced at TEKNOFEST, the world's largest technology competition in Turkey.

Autonomous Factory Robot AMR-AMG Production
In 2020, we started to design and produce “Autonomous Mobile Robots” AMR. We designed these robots for warehouses, logistics companies, agricultural businesses and healthcare institutions to improve operational efficiency, increase speed, ensure precision and increase safety. Development processes are still ongoing, and our students at Gifted Coder continue the project.

G-BOT Robotics Coding Education Robot Kit

In 2018, we started to develop the "G-BOT Robotic Coding Educational Robot Kit", which we sell to other schools and use in our trainings within Gifted Coder Turkey. As of 2020, we started to use our own robot in our trainings and sell it to other institutions.

We Wrote and Published Coding Training Books

Within the scope of Gifted Coder Computer Programming trainings for Children, Turkey's first educational books on coding, arduino, scratch and python were published. Burak Cantürk took part in the writing of these books. We sell 6 different books that are still being sold in Turkey.

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